
Current Season
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Current Season
All Seasons (by Category)
All Seasons (by Region)

Points are calculated based on IFSC CUWR (Continuously Updated World Ranking) World Cups Points Distribution / 2022-24 USA Climbing Ranking Point Table (1000 points / 80 ranks). Points for each category, division or region are normalized within a 0-100 range for comparison.

Under normal conditions, top 13 climbers from qualifier advance to final in Boulder or Lead/TR events.

Current Season

All Seasons

Points are calculated based on IFSC CUWR (Continuously Updated World Ranking) World Cups Points Distribution / 2022-24 USA Climbing Ranking Point Table (1000 points / 80 ranks). Points for each category & division are normalized within a 0-100 range (with combined total score of 900 for all regions) for comparison.

Current Season

All Seasons

Under normal conditions, top 20 climbers from qualifier advance to semi-final in Boulder or Lead/TR events.